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Originals & Ind. Artists > Telecaster90

Home of possibly the most hated cover ever.

Some crappy attempts at metal, ska, punk, and whatever else. The most recent stuff is prog metal (6+ min) written on a 7.


Name Date Size Uploader Downloads Rating
2 Retards In G2005-04-10 1,807telecaster901743 ½
All Good Things Must Come To An End (Part 1)2005-03-25 533telecaster901172 ½
At The Last Second2007-06-15 2,716telecaster901403 ½
Axes2005-05-13 1,439telecaster903933 ½
Breaking The Law (Ska-ified Judas Priest Cover)2006-07-28 1,451telecaster902513 ½
Cliche Love2005-05-04 1,224telecaster90953 ½
Crack Whore2005-04-26 922telecaster901843
Disarray2007-06-28 3,029telecaster903533 ½
Goodbye To Love2005-03-11 863telecaster901043
Holy Holy Holy2005-07-07 1,743telecaster901363 ½
Inferno Of Heaven2005-02-22 1,341telecaster903112 ½
Justice Is Served2007-05-30 1,601telecaster901372 ½
Locrianium (Good Version)2005-03-02 902telecaster901742 ½
Lost2007-05-31 2,105telecaster90593 ½
Sworn Oath2005-05-02 1,531telecaster90763
The Angel Of Death Is A Necrophiliac; As Told By Natalie Rogers2005-03-04 1,037telecaster901962 ½
The Divine2005-05-13 829telecaster90623
The Knight2005-03-27 559telecaster901243
The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows (80's Pop Cover)2007-04-29 2,218telecaster902131 ½