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Originals & Ind. Artists > Stupid Tabs That Make You Laugh Or Not AND Originals

this tab folder is for stupid tabs that make you laugh or they may not. its also for any original work you have done. if it made you laugh, chuckle, sounded good, rate up. if NOT then down

Name Date Size Uploader Downloads Rating
Anna Nicole Smith2007-02-08 3,236onaburningday13084
Theme Song for a Happy Marsupial2006-12-20 2,552jqualls9974
Dougslugz And The Badloads - It Was Like A Movie2011-05-07 8,495LargeMoose3874
Triceratops Abortion2006-12-24 1,036swats0n7404
Hey Murda!2007-06-13 2,028LunarHex5614
Clownin' Around2007-11-03 569CircaB114594
Driving Ms. Jay-Z2008-01-27 1,265cayur4454
War On Tabitism2008-04-25 1,574ezekielsk8r23564
Heath Ledger2008-01-22 2,904onaburningday5144
McNaldo's - I Like The It!2017-02-02 5,732LargeMoose1314
OX2006-12-26 556j0natron3784
Rheostat - Omnistatic Hypertrophy2011-07-10 3,605LargeMoose1944
Channing Tatum III - Matthew McConaughey Neutron Implosion2017-01-29 5,946LargeMoose1234
Channing Tatum VII - The Seventh Hypertrumpet Of Recrudescence2017-02-13 7,208SensoryAmusia1334
Channing Tatum XII - Parallel Convergence of the Thoracic Hypersphere2017-08-13 11,489LargeMoose874
Billy Mays2009-06-29 2,286onaburningday3224
Channing Tatum I - Channing Tatum Reservoir Inspection2017-01-24 3,671LargeMoose1414
Channing Tatum XI - Hark, A Great Cosmic Energy Awakens!2017-03-23 7,987SensoryAmusia1414
Cornholin' Cows!!!2007-03-08 1,290rancidmilkman4624
Nice, Would Be Better If You Changed Every Note To Db Tho2018-01-30 2,221LargeMoose874
A Brand New Enema Kit For Sale2012-04-17 3,105Matt3251714
Channing Tatum Interlude - Karmoth's Lament2017-03-09 6,141SensoryAmusia1164
Channing Tatum IV - The Dehiscence Of Spatial Rifts2017-01-29 5,648SensoryAmusia1704
CLICK HERE L@@K IMPORTANT S0NG!!!2017-01-30 1,035marbsolomkon614
I Would Like To Share My Sandwich2008-12-18 2,207ray2684
Steve Jobs... More Like Steve Jobless2011-10-05 292cayur1604
ARE YOU GOING TO THE MALL TONIGHT2009-01-15 2,859curlupanddan3904
Channing Tatum VI - The Interdimensional Quantumteledildonic Vengeance of Karmoth2017-02-12 6,845LargeMoose814
Channing Tatum VIII - A Deluge Of Cognitive Distortions Via Mental Telepathy2017-02-15 7,336cayur824
What Goes On A Hotdog2007-10-02 164AfterTheAccident2944
Channing Tatum II - The Awokening2017-01-24 2,773cayur1154
Channing Tatum IX - And So Did Matthew McConaughey Observe the Structure of Polyphasic Gender Cubes2017-03-08 10,206LargeMoose924
Channing Tatum V - Behold! The Quantum Mike Emerges2017-01-30 9,410LargeMoose1154
Nathaniel, Reynolds, Burke, Thompson, And Shane - Feeling Fine2010-09-21 1,138LargeMoose2134
Wakey Wakey [MP3]2011-01-14 1,360cayur2214
Daphne Ann Blake2008-02-03 1,093jamesDavey2504
Funk And Magnets (How Do They Work)2017-02-04 1,740troll3y404
Ishmael's Purse2012-11-17 999cayur1674
Partially Clothed Imbecile - Clown Penis Dot Fart2018-06-29 4,345BukkakeLord594
Rheostat - The Infinite Abacus Obsession2012-05-15 6,726LargeMoose1304
Steve Jobs2011-10-05 3,172onaburningday1874
Steve McNair2009-07-04 2,096onaburningday2044
Partially Clothed Imbecile - Depressed Clown Orgy2017-02-09 3,058LargeMoose714
Possum2006-12-19 552CircaB115684
The Inverted Lament Of Tanning Chatum2017-01-31 1,033Anthony554
You Won't Believe This Offer...2007-10-22 900cayur3294
Beep Bop2006-12-20 3,117Gramza6324
BURGERKING63's FIRST StAB!2014-11-30 1,194ray1354
Channing Tatum X - The Quantum Abinary Matrix of Caitling Jatum2017-03-09 6,668LargeMoose734
Quantum Genital Entanglement2017-09-01 4,024LargeMoose804
Where's Will2007-04-13 1,713BuddyC3294
Word Salad2008-12-15 1,953ray2214
Writer's Block2008-06-02 1,579xwarpedx2524
127 Flavors Of Fun2017-01-29 953theLEVIATHAN524
AmIRite2006-12-23 658cayur6004
And So2017-02-02 1,551thedavidcarney464
And Then We All Killed Cops2007-09-13 1,1821DFB4104
Farrah Fawcett2009-06-29 1,621onaburningday1844
First Aid Information For Rectal Pain2017-02-03 1,660Matt325504
I Hereby Declare My Undying Love For Instrument 7 - Clavinet Chromatic2017-02-28 4,390swats0n454
Michael Jackson2009-06-29 1,452onaburningday2364
Partially Clothed Imbecile - A Desire For Complexity And Texture Overpowers This Jam's Grooviness.2019-04-06 2,335LargeMoose634
Partially Clothed Imbecile - Clownfart Concerto In D Dur.2015-08-19 2,510LargeMoose1064
Pork Lo Mein Kampf2017-01-30 2,859cayur424
The Ballad Of Dlugoth Vol. I2017-01-30 1,178BrianDlugosz404
Tony Hawk And The Fountain Of Youth2011-10-18 1,008cayur1534
Tub Daddy2017-02-05 2,435cayur454
All My Number Keys Are Broken Except For 02017-01-26 606ray684
Bitches Love Donkey Kong2011-01-14 1,578cayur1694
Edible Arraignments [mp3]2018-09-04 3,513cayur954
Guitar Center Is The Worst Job I've Ever Had2006-12-23 442ShaolinMaster8944
Lazy Sweat Balloon2018-06-24 1,840cayur334
Microwave Oven2017-02-16 1,626JoAuSc304
Oopsy Brunch2016-06-15 1,565cayur474
Partially Clothed Imbecile - Thorax Bank2018-08-18 11,174LargeMoose594
Rate Me (Rate Me Again)2017-02-12 2,375JoAuSc284
Rigatoni Tony (Part Twoce)2018-06-30 3,168cayur484
Stinky Hammer2017-03-05 740cayur394
TFW BOL Awards Extended 2 April Fool's2017-03-06 1,471ray364
ThyTsundereMoose2012-11-19 809cayur1024
Tiny Flowers2018-06-06 849cayur354
When You Take Her Out To Mexican And She Pronounces Fajita As Fa-gee-ta2017-01-29 796BrianDlugosz374
Autistic Pimp2018-08-22 3,208cayur464
Guys, Let's Have Some Fun Guys!2017-02-01 418thedavidcarney424
Popsicle Cremation2017-01-16 1,865cayur454
Sexy Tumor2017-02-26 1,162cayur364
Sour Milk Gone Bad2007-06-25 706CircaB114274
Stupid Tab2008-12-18 697ray1474
Tap It!2006-12-23 579cayur5974
The Headache Song2017-07-26 677theLEVIATHAN414
Theme Song for a Happy Android2010-02-21 1,199jqualls1554
Toddler Rehab2017-01-19 1,993cayur474
Zuck-Chye-Nye2018-06-05 1,874cayur354
All-You-Can-Eat Fire2018-07-13 2,995cayur464
Anus Veneers2017-01-29 1,735cayur494
Apple Tattle-Tale2016-06-10 1,281cayur524
Christina Crocker2008-03-10 959cayur1954
Dancing with the Starved2016-06-05 1,680cayur494
Death Trip By The Stooges (elevator Music Version)2011-02-06 531JoAuSc1404
Erectile Buffet2018-06-27 522cayur494

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