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Originals & Ind. Artists > Take This Riff And Shove It

Create a new riff. Or take one and see what you can do with it!

Name Date Size Uploader Downloads Rating
So I Says To Mabel, I Says...2009-05-06 786Effigy1914
Song Idea2009-05-06 1,327prog4201752 ½
I May Use One Of These Riffs!2009-05-06 1,331Nihil2674
Old Acoustic Riff2008-10-22 578Nihil2023 ½
For Lack Of A Better Name2008-10-19 1,029Nihil2864
Another Fine Idea For This Very Fine Folder2008-10-15 897Dynamite3554
Keepin' The Slovaks In Czech2008-10-11 743idaman7232203 ½
I Play In Open D, And Am Thus An Elitist2008-10-09 770Dynamite3404
Dark Tranquillity Anyone2008-10-08 751Nihil3214