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Tabs by "BukkakeLord"

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Folder Name Date Size Downloads Rating
PulsarPlanetary Collapse2011-03-29 7,9772984
Bukkake LordMultiple Highschool Student Meeting For Fulfillment Of Watersport Urination Fantasy2011-03-28 5,2132804
Proctalgia FugaxJoseph Kony Anal Slam [MP3 in comments]2012-09-05 6,0671714
Funeral DirectorHacked Up For Writing S___ty Powerchord Riffs And Tossed In The Garbage Can Where Mortician Belongs2018-07-15 2,792914
Stupid Tabs That Make You Laugh Or Not AND OriginalsPartially Clothed Imbecile - Clown Penis Dot Fart2018-06-29 4,345604
Funeral DirectorSuffocation Has Riffs, Incantation Does Not2018-07-15 3,258524
Funeral DirectorKill Your Dad2019-06-16 3,326454