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Tabs by "theyellowpotatos"

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Folder Name Date Size Downloads Rating
Guitar SolosGuitar Solo 12005-01-03 80130864
Avenged SevenfoldUnholy Confessions (3)2005-02-20 3,323131494
TraditionalMexican Hat Dance2005-02-19 40835984
ClassicalBach - Scherzo H-Moll2005-02-20 81223984
The Yellow Potatos62004-11-27 1,0852974
Guitar SolosPie Solo2005-05-19 94410914
The Yellow Potatos72005-02-01 1,0223404
Short Tabs For Angry PeopleBeautiful Butterflies2005-05-11 6648204
Armor For The BrokenI Fall Down2004-12-15 9917924
The Yellow Potatos52004-11-21 6311944
Coolest Tabs For The Coolest PeopleInter Lude2004-12-30 6573514
The Yellow Potatos82005-06-09 1,5641574
Armor For The BrokenTurn Away (3)2004-11-15 8646064
Coolest Tabs For The Coolest PeopleInstro Mental2004-12-26 1,5636723 ½
Armor For The BrokenFashion Is A Killer2004-12-29 1,23712713 ½
The Yellow PotatosVidio Game 12004-11-28 6643383 ½
The Yellow Potatos12004-11-07 4413674
The Yellow Potatos22004-11-07 4082203 ½
The Yellow Potatos42004-11-08 4532063 ½
The Yellow Potatos32004-11-07 3141843 ½
Squirell Madness2 - Squirell Madness - Raging Sea Lion2005-06-11 1,0811694
Armor For The BrokenJust Wait.2004-11-07 6465013 ½
Short Tabs For Short PeopleShort Metal Song2005-06-11 5474784
Armor For The BrokenSmile For Me2004-12-29 5737134
RancidThe Way I Feel2004-12-12 1,1147243 ½
UnderoathIt's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door2005-05-11 1,51787173 ½
The Yellow PotatosSome Metal2005-01-06 1,1648193 ½
My Chemical RomanceThank You For The Venom (2)2005-02-17 2,09173693 ½
The Yellow PotatosGeorges Cool Drum Solo 12004-06-23 6785093 ½
The Yellow PotatosA2004-12-29 1,5463123 ½
Squirell Madness1 - Squirell Madness - Rat Poison2005-06-11 1,0262033 ½
NOFX13 Stitches2004-04-26 60412663 ½
Coolest Tabs For The Coolest People30 Seconds 12004-12-14 4604783 ½
My Chemical RomanceGive 'Em Hell, Kid2005-02-19 1,17647903 ½