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Folder Name Date Size Downloads Rating
Short Tabs For Short PeopleGlared Winter Floors2004-11-13 7652073
Sunday TrousersA Sunday Afternoon Apathy Manifesto2004-11-16 1,0593184
Sunday TrousersClouds Chase Shadows And Kiss The Horizon2004-10-30 8652464
Sunday TrousersEclipse Gum Is The Best Gum2004-09-14 2,0153413
Sunday TrousersExponential Decay2005-08-13 6131684
Sunday TrousersHarmonic Generic2004-08-10 1,1893724
Sunday TrousersI Dream Of Feeney2004-09-11 3651643 ½
Sunday TrousersImberauster2005-12-20 7921214
Sunday TrousersLate To Rise2006-06-05 3,1415434
Sunday TrousersLechery2004-11-29 1,974944
Sunday TrousersMephistophylles Does Manhattan2006-07-01 1,7903734
Sunday TrousersOddities2004-10-24 1,2792244
Sunday TrousersOthello, A Minute To Learn, A Lifetime To Master2004-11-17 2,5234423
Sunday TrousersPre-Marital Sax2004-12-29 1,3923394
Sunday TrousersRatiug Is Just Guitar Backwards2004-10-24 1,3483484
Sunday TrousersThe Legend Of Symphony One2004-10-23 1,5143103 ½
Sunday TrousersThe Smell Of Play-Doh2005-06-26 1,3802204
Sunday TrousersTortoise And The Haste2006-06-04 1,5481134
Sunday TrousersTuff, Like Outsiders Tuff, Not, (This Steak Is Tough, Tough.)2004-11-29 1,5661454
Sunday TrousersUnsure2005-07-09 1,8212723 ½
Sunday TrousersWhere's Waldo2004-09-09 1,6292923 ½