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Folder Name Date Size Downloads Rating
Hooray, Apathy!Shotgun Sally And The Sticky Situation2009-09-06 1,7051944
Hooray, Apathy!Jay Gatsby Don't Got S___ On Me.2007-08-17 3,7791894
Hooray, Apathy!And As They Frantically Push And Shove, I Stand, And Am Content.2007-07-31 2,3761403 ½
Hooray, Apathy!Everything Was Beautiful, And Nothing Hurt2007-05-24 2,69698rate
Hooray, Apathy!The Post Office Closes At Five, But We Have All Night.2007-04-06 1,4202154
Hooray, Apathy!Abort The Emergency2006-08-22 5,2231894
Hooray, Apathy!This Harlequinn Romance Finally Made My List Of Clichés I Didn't Want2006-04-02 3,6843514
Hooray, Apathy!Jazzy Thing #12005-06-21 2,1752824