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Tabs by "alax"

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Folder Name Date Size Downloads Rating
AlaxFrozen Atlantic - Duel With A Dragon2006-08-06 2,1772394
InvokedInvoked2006-07-19 4,0191944
BathoryWoman Of Dark Desires2006-07-16 9613513 ½
Bathory13 Candles2006-07-16 910319rate*
AlaxIm'a Goin' To Tha Emperor Show Tonite!2006-07-13 1,8043574
PestilenceTwisted Truth2006-07-06 1,9853514
Nokturnal MortumLunar Poetry2006-07-06 2,9453524
Short Tabs For Short People30-Something Seconds Of Fockin Fury2006-07-05 8382654
Power Metal SongsDuel With A Dragon2006-07-04 2,2287434
CarcassCorporal Jigsore Quandary2006-06-27 2,17910964
InvokedWolves Among Sheep2006-06-02 2,2482104
Grim Tabs For Grim PeopleDonald Marduk2006-05-26 8464084
ANGRY TABS FOR ANGRY PEOPLEThese Pretzels Are Making Me THIRSTY!!!2006-05-22 1,05510184
InvokedEntombed Beneath The Ice2006-05-19 2,6652344
InvokedInto The Abyss Of Night2006-04-30 2,1071763 ½
Legend Of Zelda, TheOcarina of Time - Owl Theme2006-04-12 79418044
Video GamesLufia II - Battle Theme2006-04-12 1,1353274
Sonata ArcticaTallulah2006-04-10 5,2325884
InvokedOf Shadow2006-04-01 2,1381854
DarkthroneSkald Av Satans Sol2006-03-08 8575494
EmperorI Am The Black Wizards (2)2006-03-06 2,66915544
Celtic FrostSorrows Of The Moon2006-02-26 1,3025883
DeathFlattening Of Emotions2006-02-25 1,72610453 ½
Dimmu BorgirNar Sjelen Hentes Til Helvete2006-02-18 1,7417954
DeathThe Philosopher2006-01-25 2,27515393
InvokedBeneath The Mountains Dark2006-01-18 1,7993154

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