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Tabs by "alax"

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Folder Name Date Size Downloads Rating
My Dying BrideSear Me MCMXCIII2006-12-17 1,6513474
TherionSymphony Of The Dead2007-04-09 5,9512814
GravelandThe Night Of Fullmoon2007-01-15 2,1782254
AmorphisThe Pilgrimage2009-06-26 2,0761904
UnleashedWhere No Life Dwells2007-12-01 4771014
Bathory13 Candles2006-07-16 910319rate*
Brutal Shit...Or It Gets The Hose Again2006-08-08 1,47011744
AlaxSack Full Of Livers2006-08-15 2,6742973 ½
EmperorI Am The Black Wizards (2)2006-03-06 2,66915544
AlaxCarrion, My Wayward Son2006-10-15 1,9544223 ½
AlaxBulemian Rhapsody2006-08-15 2,4225203 ½
Grim Tabs For Grim PeopleDonald Marduk2006-05-26 8464084
InvokedOf Shadow2006-04-01 2,1381854
InvokedBeneath The Mountains Dark2006-01-18 1,7993154
AlaxDurin's Hall Of Stone2006-11-08 7772364
InvokedEn Lys I Nord2006-10-15 3,3143004
BathoryWoman Of Dark Desires2006-07-16 9613513 ½
Your Worst SongsAsylum Boogie2009-06-23 2,1613173 ½
Short Tabs For People With The Trial VersionBallad Of The Level 3 Paladin2006-08-07 4455143 ½
InvokedInto The Abyss Of Night2006-04-30 2,1071763 ½
DeathFlattening Of Emotions2006-02-25 1,72610453 ½
DeathThe Philosopher2006-01-25 2,27515393
Celtic FrostSorrows Of The Moon2006-02-26 1,3025883
SummoningBauglir2007-01-27 1,113138rate
Video GamesFor Frog The Bell Tolls - The Prince's Adventure2017-12-23 1,15819rate
AsphyxVermin2006-12-14 1,516270rate

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