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Folder Name Date Size Downloads Rating
Final Fantasy IVInto The Darkness2017-12-27 968244
BathoryWoman Of Dark Desires2006-07-16 9613513 ½
AeternusUnder The Blade Of The Dead2007-06-27 9564524
Dimmu BorgirAlt Lys Er Svunnet Hen (2)2007-10-09 9446424
At The GatesThe Scar2007-07-19 9385114
String Quartet Tribute To...The Doors - Soul Kitchen2009-12-31 929754
Bathory13 Candles2006-07-16 910319rate*
Final Fantasy IVTheme Of Love2017-12-26 876294
Video GamesDark Souls - The Ancient Dragon2018-05-30 857514
DarkthroneSkald Av Satans Sol2006-03-08 8575494
Grim Tabs For Grim PeopleDonald Marduk2006-05-26 8464084
Short Tabs For Short People30-Something Seconds Of Fockin Fury2006-07-05 8382654
AmorphisKarelia2007-03-27 8083014
Legend Of Zelda, TheOcarina of Time - Owl Theme2006-04-12 79418044
AlaxDurin's Hall Of Stone2006-11-08 7772364
Bolt ThrowerWar2006-12-04 7534014
BehemothThe Touch Of Nya2006-12-07 73412394
IldjarnIld2006-11-25 7142194
Legend Of Zelda, TheOracle Of Seasons - Tarm Ruins2017-11-29 671384
Final Fantasy IVFabul2017-12-30 634244
Napalm DeathThe Kill2007-06-22 5466534
UnleashedWhere No Life Dwells2007-12-01 4771014
BurzumChanneling The Power Of Souls Into A New God2009-05-21 4551964
Short Tabs For People With The Trial VersionBallad Of The Level 3 Paladin2006-08-07 4455143 ½
BurzumDer Weinende Liadnur2007-06-23 3453484
Napalm DeathDead2007-06-22 3196134

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