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Folder Name Date Size Downloads Rating
Non-Playable CharactersAcoustic Shindig2008-09-05 1,0591604
The Regular Sized FishDone For2006-05-30 4,7732393 ½
Colin's Time To Shine!Why Would You Listen To Emo (Tribute To MetalHazard)2006-05-08 6,6424003 ½
Colin's Time To Shine!Acoustic Bit2006-04-15 1,3143413 ½
Colin's Time To Shine!Halo 2 - Woo Woo Woo!2006-04-02 1,34911823
Colin's Time To Shine!Treaty Of The Brutes2006-03-17 2,2502653 ½
Colin's Time To Shine!The Three Sons Of Satan - Revenge On Jesus And God2006-02-28 2,4374334
Colin's Time To Shine!Third Reich2006-02-07 3,8345084
Colin's Time To Shine!The Rabbit Cat2006-01-14 1,9892983 ½